Insights | El Salvador student: The CPC's rural revitalization strategy is admirable
By Gu Liping and Liu Chang
(ECNS) --"The principal of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will always be the people of China. That allows for a better understanding and needs of the people." Ana González, an international student from the Republic of El Salvador, shared her views in an interview with China News Network. She said that under the leadership of the CPC, China has made admirable progress in rural revitalization and cultural communication.
Currently studying at the School of International Relations at Beijing International Studies University, she made friends with students from various countries and gradually got to know China with them starting from Beijing in the past year. What fascinates Ana most is the long history and rich culture of China. She said that by visiting scenic spots and museums, she can see how Chinese society has developed over a long time.
Although Ana has not yet visited the Chinese countryside, she has learned a lot about the policies for rural revitalization, both in and out of class. "I realized that in China, rural areas are not the same as backward." In her point of view, rural revitalization is an important aspect of the common prosperity in the Chinese way of modernization. The modernization process has not only been carried out in urban areas, but also focuses on other places with limited resources and access, effectively narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor.
"The CPC has always been people-centered, which I really admire," she said, adding that this development philosophy is reflected in the way CPC handles issues, always putting people"s needs first.
When talked about her studies here, she said, "I can enjoy very rich resources in university, which makes my study life easier and more fruitful." She was deeply impressed by a lecture on Chinese tea culture. Not only did she learn about the classification and benefits of tea, but also how to make and taste tea, experiencing the unique charm of Chinese traditional culture in the process. "El Salvador does not have tea culture, and now in China, I start drinking tea."
Moreover, Ana participated in various exchange activities, such as the Weifang International Kite Festival and international youth summer camp. All of these experiences have made her realize the significance of studying in China.
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